Terms and Conditions


Therapy Sessions

Each session is 50 minutes long.

Sessions are on a weekly basis, at the same time every week, unless otherwise agreed by both parties.



The cost of each session in Blutherapy is €60.00 per session.

Payment will be made to the Therapist at the end of each session if face-to-face contact.

If working online then payment is made online at the end of each session, unless otherwise agreed.


Cancellation Policy

If you fail to cancel your session, then the full cost of the session must be paid.

If you cancel within 48 hours of the session, then the full amount must be paid.


COVID-19 Regulations

During the COVID-19 crisis, there are obligations on both the therapist and the client.

  • By coming into the therapy room, the client is implying that they are aware of the risks regarding COVID-19 but are willing to take this risk. Therapists will do their upmost to minimise the risk but cannot eliminate it.
  • The client agrees that it is their responsibility to protect themselves from COVID-19 and not to do anything that they are uncomfortable with which may increase their risk.
  • The client must inform the therapist if they have an underlying condition as outlined by Tusla.ie. If this is the case, then the risk can be discussed and alternative arrangements can be made, such as online sessions.
  • The therapist room will be provided with hand sanitiser. The client will sanitise their hands when entering the room.
  • The room will be regularly deep cleaned.
  • The two-meter distancing rule will be adhered to in the counselling room.
  • If the Therapist or the Client has any COVID-19 symptoms such as a sore throat or a persistent cough, then they must make this known and cancel the session. There will be no cancellation fee applied if this is the reason why the session must be cancelled.



In general, all sessions are private and confidential.

However, there is a legal limit to confidentiality in certain circumstances, as follows.

  • If you are a risk to yourself e.g. if you tell me that are going to make a suicide attempt once you leave the room


  • If you are a danger to somebody else e. g. you tell me that you are abusing somebody or that you are going to kill somebody.


In these circumstances, Blutherapy is legally obliged to break the confidentiality agreement and notify somebody of your intentions.

Therapists are required to attend supervision where they discuss issues arising from therapy.  They are also required to keep notes.

A Therapist will ask for Doctor’s and Psychiatrists details.  A Therapist may feel that it is necessary to write to either of the above in order to check your suitability for counselling.  If this is the case, the Therapist will ask for your permission to do this beforehand or even as Therapy continues.  If you do not agree to this, then it may mean that therapy sessions would not continue.  This would be for the client’s protection and welfare.

Blutherapy is unable to facilitate victim impact statements, court letters or anything that breaches the contract of confidentiality.


Emergency Contact Details

You will be asked to provide emergency contact details.  This is used only in emergencies where Blutherapy are legally obliged to break the confidentiality agreement, or where the Therapist deems the situation to be an emergency.

By giving these details, you are giving consent to the Therapist to contact the person named below in case of emergency.  If working online, you may be asked to send an email stating that you have been given the contact details and that you agree to the person being contacted in an emergency.


Emergency contact name: ______________________________________________________

Emergency contact phone number: ______________________________________________

Relationship to you? ___________________________________________________________

Client Signature: ______________________________________________________________

Date of Consent: ______________________________________________________________


Agreeing to the Terms and Conditions

For face-to-face:

By signing the contract agreement, it is understood that you have read, understood and agree to abide by the terms and conditions.  A refusal to sign means that therapy cannot commence.

If a person is under the age of 18 years, then a parent or guardian signature will be required before therapy can begin.


Signature: ____________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardians signature: ___________________________________________________




For online clients:

If working online, then you may be asked to send an email stating that you have read, understood and agree to the terms and conditions.


Services by Blu Therapy 

Stress                  Grief          Anger 

Sexuality             Anxiety      Depression

Family Issues    Suicidality  Abuse   

Trauma               Pregnancy   

Blutherapy  Accredited Counsellors and Psychotherapists

Contact Us using Book Appointment menu ootion


Blu Therapy (clients from North Dublin)


400 North Circular Road, D:7  (beside Mater University Hospital)                                   

                      North Circular Road

Prices:  €60 Session with Accredited Psychotherapist  Times:  Mon-Fri  10am -10pm  Sat 10am - 5pm





*Low cost sessions available to unemployed (with proof)
